a church community in Thermalito, California

All Church Meeting

Information and resources on baptism at The Table


Welcome to our dedicated webpage housing the comprehensive PDF document capturing the essence of our recent all-church meeting. Within these digital pages, you'll find detailed insights into crucial aspects that shape our community's journey. Dive into the intricacies of our financial landscape as we present the budgetary highlights, providing transparency into the allocation of resources and the financial health of our church. Explore attendance metrics that offer a snapshot of our collective engagement, reflecting the vibrant energy and commitment of our congregation.

Navigate through the 2024 calendar section to anticipate and plan for the exciting events and milestones that lie ahead. Immerse yourself in the reports on mission, vision, and values, understanding the core principles that guide our actions and decisions. Delve into the specifics of our Sunday morning experience, small group dynamics, and service projects, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the various facets that contribute to our shared mission. This webpage serves as a valuable resource, ensuring that every member of our community has access to the information and updates that shape the trajectory of our collective journey.