Mission, Vision & Values
The Table Church is a newer gathering in the Thermalito/Oroville area. We started in October of 2015.
Our mission is to be a community of people that do what Jesus did: Love God, Love one another, and Love the world.
Love God for us means gathering together to hear a practical message from the Bible with upbeat music and casual dress to encourage each other on this journey in the faith.
Love One Another in our church means being with and for one another in loving community. This looks like Table Groups (small groups) of people regularly getting together to hear a story from the life of Jesus and sharing our own life stories.
Love the World in our church means regular community service at the small group and whole church level. We do 'Service Sundays' on the months that have five Sundays. We forgo our usual worship service and get out in the community in a tangible way. We hope to be a healing and transformational presence in the community.
Our Vision is to be a family moving into the neighborhood to be good and Godly neighbors. We desire to see the transformational in-breaking of God’s kingdom in Thermalito (Oroville) where people are growing in Jesus (being discipled), breaking chains of generational poverty, where families are reconciled and children have a hopeful future.
Here is a guide for how to get connected in the church community.
We focus on Sunday Morning, Small Groups and Service Projects in our community.