a church community in Thermalito, California

Baptism at The Table

Information and resources on baptism at The Table


We are so excited and blessed you are looking into getting baptized. And that you're considering it to happen at The Table makes us even more joyful. Below you will find some information about everything from prerequisites to ceremonies to options!

Baptism is MAJOR, public commitment to Christ, following Christ, and joining his mission, movement, and body (the church). It is not to be entered into lightly or irreverently, but soberly and with much celebration. There are a few prerequisites to getting baptized at The Table!

  1. NO REBAPTISM - The Table, in line with God’s word and the historic church, does not rebaptize people. GOOD NEWS: if you were baptized in the past then you are in the covenant of Christ! No need to rebaptize you. Secondary option - if you feel that Christ has done a new incredible work in you or you want to affirm what was declared on your behalf as an inafant/child, we would love to celebrate with you and facilitate for you a reaffirmation of your baptism!

  2. INFORMATION - since this is such a big, meaningful moment in your life, we want you to be fully informed and prepared for what baptism means. Two ways to do this: (1) during the month of May we often do a series on baptism. Come to all 4 Sundays of the sermon series and we will do baptisms on the 4th Sunday AND/OR (2) meet with a pastor to talk over the meaning and details of baptism. Usually one 1.5 hour meeting is all that is necessary.

  3. DAY OF BAPTISM - you have lots of freedom in how, where, and when you can be baptized. Traditionally the Church has done baptism on big holidays (Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost). We are flexible, but usually plan our baptisms to take place on Pentecost Sunday (late May/early June).

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions, comments, concerns, or clarifications. We are here to see you on your journey with Jesus.

Sign up below to get baptized or request more information: