You can never go wrong sticking to Jesus (in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John). Read some Jesus every day:
HEAD, HEART, HANDS - asking the questions, based on what I just read: (HEAD) what does God want me to know? (HEART) What does God want us to feel/experience? (HANDS) what does God want us to do?
SWORD METHOD: the Bible says God’s word is a sword. 4 questions that are similar to head, heart, hands but a little more in depth.
LECTIO DIVINA: Literally, “divine reading,” this is an ancient way of reading the Bible devotionally (not for information, but for transformation). Scripture, in this practice, is less to be studied and more to be listened to as the living word of God. Take a story in the Bible, read it 2-3 times, each time listening for words, ideas, or characters that stick out to you.
•The 5 steps of Lectio are:
Prepare: invite the Spirit into your reading. Calm your self.
LECTIO -read the text out loud. Listen for words or ideas that pop out to you.
MEDITATIO (med-ih-tah-shee-oh): meditate on the text. Chew on it. Ask lots of questions.
ORATIO (or-ah-shee-oh): Pray the text. Find a short phrase you can pray through out the day from the text.
CONETEMPLATIO (con-tem-plah-shee-oh) - genuine time of silence. Contemplative prayer is silence and listening. Wait for the Spirit to speak. Let the text shape your life. How should you live differently in light of the text?