We are so excited and blessed you are looking into taking a major step in your journey of following Jesus.
Pentecost is the holiday remembering when the Holy Spirit was first given to humans (found in Acts 2). Followers of Jesus receive God’s Holy Spirit in them to equip, encourage, and empower the to follow him. It is also widely celebrated as the birthday of the Church global.
Because of this, we take this Sunday to help people get more involved into the life of Jesus’ body. Things we acknowledge and celebrate on Pentecost include baptisms, baptismal renewal, baby dedications, new members, becoming deacons, etc. Below is a little more about each of those and a place to sign up if you’re interested.
Baptism is major, public declaration of your commitment to Christ, that you’re following Christ, and joining his mission, movement, and body (the church). It is not to be entered into lightly, but clear-minded and with much celebration. There are a few prerequisites to getting baptized at The Table!
NO RE-BAPTISM - The Table, in line with God’s word and the historic church, does not re-baptize people. GOOD NEWS: if you were baptized in the past then you are in the covenant of Christ! No need to re-baptize you. BAPTISMAL RENEWAL - if you feel that Christ has done a new work in you or you want to affirm what was declared on your behalf as an infant/child, we would love to celebrate with you and help you a reaffirm your baptism!
INFORMATION - since this is such a big, meaningful moment in your life, we want you to be fully informed and prepared for what baptism means. To do this you will need to schedule a meeting with a pastor to talk over the meaning and details of baptism. Usually one 1-hour meeting is all that is necessary.
DAY OF BAPTISM - you have lots of freedom in how, where, and when you can be baptized. Traditionally we do baptisms on Pentecost, in the river (at Riverbend Park), after our main service. You will be provided a white robe, we take communion, you are anointed with Oil. The robe and the river aren’t necessary. If you prefer a different location of baptism, we can accommodate (including at the church - in the service).
WHO CAN BE BAPTIZED? - In accordance with God’s word and as is the practice of the historic church, we baptize both babies and believers!
A re-affirmation of baptism is best compared to a wedding vowel renewal. You’re already connected to and committed to Jesus through baptism, but you want to declare again to the church that Christ is good and you are following him. During the service we will have you in front of the congregation, answer some questions you will get ahead of time, and then be re-anointed with oil as a symbolic refreshing of your baptism!
If baptizing your baby isn’t what you’re looking for, we also do baby dedications. This is a declaration by the parents that they intend to do their best (by the power of the Holy Spirit and with the help of the church) to raise their children in the way of Jesus. This looks like standing in front of the congregation, answering some yes/no questions, and a prayer for both the child and parents.
Anyone who is a part of the church is a member of the church, but there is a more official position (also called “member”) that has to do with public declaration of a deeper commitment to the local church. This step is also recognized by the state and federal government for purposes of being an official group. Membership opens the door for higher levels of leadership, included being on the board, etc. There are two requirements to becoming a member: (1) You must be a baptized follower of Jesus and (2) we want you to know who we are - our beliefs, history, and leadership structures - before you say yes. This usually requires a class or a meeting with the pastor for a couple hours. MEMBERSHIP TRANSFER - membership can be transferred from other similar churches as well!
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions, comments, concerns, or clarifications. We are here to see you on your journey with Jesus.
Sign up below to get connected with a pastor for any of the above so we can include you in the Pentecost celebration!